Welcome Fresh Food
There's a Chinese doctor and herbalist in the fruit and vege section of Welcome Fresh Food, a bustling little Sunnybank supermarket whose narrow aisles are packed to the hilt with Taiwanese, Chinese and a smattering of Japanese groceries.
But you'll have to navigate the car park under Sunnybank Plaza to find it, tucked away as it is in a small cluster of traditional Asian eateries that live underneath the plaza. Once found (take the Sunnybank Plaza exit next to the Commonwealth Bank and cross the road to the undercover car park wherein it lives) , this is a fabulous place to pick up hard-to-find staples, with lots of it locally sourced. The fresh section stocks durian, all kinds of melons and Chinese greens, herbs, yam and dragonfruit while the frozen section has vacuum-packed offal, mock meats, soy products and a whole lot more.
Dried herbs and spices, every type of dried mushroom under the sun, noodles galore and an impressive range of pre-packaged soup and medicinal mixes (this doubles as a 'pharmacy' for the on-site medical herbalist) are on tap and there's also a small but delicious range of fresh home-made snacks to go such as sticky rice parcels.