The Mermaid Lounge
Lefty's Music Hall
The Mermaid Lounge is a little grotto of sea-faring fantasy tucked away in an upstairs gallery of Lefty’s Music Hall.

Those who heed the call of the sirens of the sea and take the steps to the left just inside Lefty’s entrance will find the fabled Mermaid Lounge, with its fish netted ceilings, wall of rum and taxidermied shark, a world away from the glam deep south saloon bar below.

Then settle in to one of the low slung Captains tables/leather booths and get ship-wrecked on some of the 70 odd rums smuggled in from around the world (especially the Caribbean), a classic rum-based cocktail like a Blue Hawaii or one of 30 nautical themed beers.

The sea theme continues with a soundtrack that covers anything from reggae to sea shanty punk.
The Mermaid Lounge
Lefty’s Music Hall
15 Caxton St
Petrie Terrace