Brisbane Riverwalk

Brisbane To New Farm

The Brisbane Riverwalk is one of Brisbane’s absolute must do’s – a water highway for pedestrians and cyclists jutting out along the most scenic tract of Brisbane river between New Farm to the Howard St Wharves and on to the Brisbane CBD.

This permanent fixture was built to replace Brisbane's first floating riverwalk - a visionary yet doomed project that was all but swept away in the 2011 floods, when it was shown to be no match for the might of a swollen raging Brisbane river.

Woman walking on Brisbane Riverwalk boardwalk looking on to the City

The 870m long Riverwalk is happily segregated into dedicated roadways for cyclists and pedestrians so neither can intrude on other’s turf, with cyclists enjoying a 3.5m path and a comfortable 2.5m one for pedestrians.

Rverwalk, Brisbane River and Story Bridge

Entry from the New Farm end is at Riverview Court (river end tip of Merthyr Rd) and the Riverwalk ends at the historic Howard Smith Wharves to connect with the riverside boardwalk to Brisbane’s CBD.

Need to know: Except for the odd rest shelter along the way (with seating), there is no shade along the walk so it’s recommended to be taken earlier or later in the day and in summer first thing in the morning or at dusk.

Tip: Take the river cat from Brisbane’s CBD (Riverside City Cat terminal) to New Farm’s Sydney St terminal then turn left onto Griffith St and walk the block to Riverview Ct/Merthyr Rd and take the riverwalk back to the CBD.

Brisbane Riverwalk

Riverview Ct New Farm

Riverside, Brisbane CBD


1 riverview ct new farm

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