Nature Play

Funderwood Hollow

The hugely popular playground Funderhollow at Underwood Park has expanded to include a fantastic nature play space.

Nature Play, Funderwood Hollow, Underwood Park

Nestled in-between Funderwood’s awesome adventure playground and the off-leash dog parks, this amazing play space has been designed to blend in with its natural surroundings which includes leafy trees and a dry creek bed.   

Nature Play, Funderwood Hollow, Underwood Park

Kids can climb trees, real and man-made, and test their balance on the obstacle course made of logs and a rope climbing frame.

Nature Play, Funderwood Hollow, Underwood Park

There’s a giant concrete tunnel for kids to crawl through and clamber over, and a water-pump where kids can send water streaming into the creek bed.  

Nature Play, Funderwood Hollow, Underwood Park

In addition, families can enjoy a picnic with covered shelters provided as well as a barbecue which is wheelchair-accessible.  

Funderwood Hollow, Underwood Park

This nature play space combined with Funderwood Hollow, Australia's largest Spielart playground, and other attractions at Underwood Park make this a fantastic, affordable day out for the whole family.

By Deb Lidster 

Nature Play Park  

Funderwood Hollow

Underwood Park

Underwood Rd



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