Christ Church


Prolific Anglican church architect JH Buckeridge designed Christ Church in Milton, a simple Arts and Crafts inspired structure with a shingle roof that was built in 1891 using timber from Esk Valley. Although it was to be a temporary replacement for the stone church that had stood on this site since 1873 until being irreparably damaged in a storm in 1890, it is still in use today and is heritage listed.

Until the original church was built, all services were conducted in the Anglican section’s mortuary, hardly an inspirational setting. The church in its early days went on to serve the community at large including the inmates and employees of the dreaded Brisbane Gaol that once loomed up the road where The Barracks are today.

Graves at Christchurch Milton churchyard

The church has its own little graveyard attached, which is the only remnent of Brisbane Cemetery, the first free settlers cemetery which originally stood where Suncrorp Stadium is today stretching out Hale Street, which was once called Cemetery Road. The cemetery was moved to Toowong due to the frequent flooding  of the area, where coffins would be washed to the surface. One of the gravestones is that of Patrick Mayne (and his infant daughter), a butcher who gained notorierty as an alleged murderer who made all of his money through the killing of a man he met in a pub. 

Entry gate to Afghanistan Memorial Park Milton

Also in the grounds of Christchurch is a beautiful memorial garden (previously the rectory garden) paying homage to the verterans of the Afghanistan war. it's a beautiful little spot in the shadow of the stadium to sit on one of the benches and take time out for reflection.

Christ Church Milton 

9 Chippendall St



9 Chippendall St Milton

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